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Writer's pictureMedicina Trascendental

What is the Shamanic Drum for?

The Shamanic Drum Rhythm is inherent in the human being, the heartbeat, the waves of the brain, breathing, so the whole universe vibrates and has a rhythm: the rotational movement of the earth, the tides, the four seasons, the moon, each one has its own rhythm. It is necessary to learn to know and recognize our rhythm and above all to accept it as it is, without comparisons, awakening our rhythm or sound is the most important step in the encounter with our truth of being. It has been scientifically proven that the sound of the drum alters the central nervous system. Rhythmic stimulation affects the electrical activity of many sensory and motor areas of the brain, which are not normally affected, due to their connections with the sensory area that is stimulated. It seems that this is partly due to the fact that the simple sounds of the drum contain different sound frequencies and therefore simultaneously transmits impulses to the brain through a variety of nerve pathways. In addition, the sound of the drums is almost always low frequency, which means that the sounds of the drum can transmit more energy to the brain than a higher frequency sound stimulus. This is possible because low-frequency ear receivers are more resistant to damage than delicate high-frequency receivers, and can withstand greater sound amplitudes without feeling pain. The sound of the Drum is like the sound of the heart, when we play it all our being is wrapped and awake, our emotions are externalized, feelings of creative expression are born, and a single vibration begins to be felt, we find the connection with the heart of Mother Earth, because the vibration of the drum works in our first chakra and is associated with the earth element. Drum trip The drum trip is one of the sacred practices that give us the possibility to walk our inner world. The drum trip takes us into our invisible world, our parallel reality, many times more real than the reality we think we inhabit. A multidimensional parallel reality, where spirits of all forms live and where we must dwell with a firm intention to be able to access our own spirit. This parallel place that we have called fantasy or unreality is the place where much of our life is generated. For this reason, it is important to start walking in this sacred space. This spiritual practice is the intentional effort to develop relationships with personal spirits of help through the journey to the kingdoms where they live. We will have different words, songs or dances to access these places. The fact of sending our consciousness or point of fit to the spiritual world is called a shamanic journey and this allows the traveler to observe life and its problems from a more impartial perspective, a perspective that is not easily obtained in an ordinary state of consciousness. The drum trip leads us to establish and nurture continuous relationships with the spirits of help and acquire knowledge, wisdom, practical healing methods and other vital information that can be used for personal benefit or for the rest of the community. To make the shamanic journey, the one who supports the medical process enters a specific state of altered consciousness that requires remaining alert and conscious. In this state he is able to move at will between ordinary and non-ordinary reality. There are several techniques to enter the ECC, including the deprivation of sensory stimuli, fasting, fatigue, hyperventilation, dancing, singing or recitation, playing drums, exposure to extreme temperatures, the use of hallucinogens, and the arrangement and scenarios prescribed by the ritual beliefs and ceremonies of the culture. Frequency of brain waves Brain waves are classified by measuring how many times a given wave is repeated in the period of a second; this measure is known as a wave frequency. The frequency of the waves is measured in cycles per second, or hertz (Hz), which depend on the wavelength. For example, a wave that completes three cycles per second is called a 3-hertz wave (Hz) or simply 3 per second. Our brain waves show four fundamental patterns or frequency bands: delta, theta, alpha, and beta. Delta (below 4 Hz) is the longest and slowest wave; it is repeated less than four times per second. This wave is associated with sleep and unconsciousness. Theta waves (4 to 8 Hz) are usually associated with states of drowsiness close to unconsciousness, such as the threshold that is crossed before falling asleep or before waking up. This rhythm is also connected with dream states and hypnological images, that is, belonging to dreams. These images are usually surprising. Many people find it difficult to maintain consciousness in theta states without having some kind of training, such as meditation. Alpha waves (from 8 to 13 Hz) are associated with states of relaxation and general well-being. This alpha state usually appears in the occipital region of the brain (the visual cortex) when the eyes are closed. Awareness remains alert but not focused, or is oriented towards the internal world. Beta waves (more than 13 Hz) are associated with active and focused attention to the outside world, as is the case in daily activities. Beta waves are also typical of states of tension, anxiety, fear and alarm. Research has confirmed that spiritual practices such as yoga and meditation produce changes in the electrical activity of the brain, which lead to an increase in the presence of alpha and/or tetha rhythms, and it has been discovered that the tetha rhythm characterizes veteran meditators. These meditators are able to keep their self-awareness intact and to remain alert in this "twilight state of consciousness." Use of the drum on shamanic trips The use of drums during the "shamanic journey" is somewhat different from the other uses. Shamanic drums, in most cases, set a constant and monotonous rhythm of between 4 and 4.5 strokes per second. The rhythm of between 4 and 4.5 strokes per second is the one that best induces the tetha waves. The sound of drums in general and the sound of rhythmic drums in particular, often induces images of ceremonial and ritualistic content and is an effective tool to enter an altered state of consciousness (ECA), even when it is disassociated from the framework of the cultural ritual and the ceremonial intention The rhythm of the drums, expressed in strokes per second, can be correlated with the temporal changes that occurred in the frequency of the brain waves (expressed in cycles per second) and/or in the subjective experience, provided that the rhythm of the drums is maintained at least between thirteen and fifteen minutes. In many cases, the rate of increase or decrease in frequency is accelerated in the ninth minute, this effect being more noticeable in the cases of the tetha and alpha waves. According to field observations and subjective reports, the period of time that most subjects need to be affected / induced by the sound of drums seems to be between thirteen and fifteen minutes. Generally, a rapid increase or decrease in the theta and/or alpha waves is perceived until the fifteenth minute, and a gradual increase or decrease is then maintained until the twentieth minute. The rhythm of the drum often leads us to the loss of the temporal continuum that is nothing more than the loss of consciousness of time, sensations of movement, this category includes experiences in the field of body sensations: the body or parts of the body vibrate and expand you feel pressure on the body or on certain parts of the body, especially in the head, throat and chest energy movements in It is scientifically proven that listening to the monotonous rhythm of the drums facilitates the production of brain waves of alpha and theta ranges. Many native Americans refer to the sound of the drum as "the heartbeat of the earth." In this regard, it should be noted that the frequency of the earth's electromagnetic resonance, which has been measured in 7.5 cycles per second, is equivalent to theta brain waves. It seems that the sound of the drum allows shamans to align their brain waves with the heartbeat of the earth. In order to promote a state of mind that helps to make the shamanic journey, it is necessary to hear a rhythmic sound of 205 to 220 strokes per minute. This rhythm induces the brain to produce slow brain waves, between 7 and 4 cycles per second, or less. Shamans describe the sound of the drum as "the voice of the spirits." Mythologically, the shaman makes the drum box with a piece of the Tree of Life, from the Axis Mundi, provided by his guides. So, every time the shaman plays the drum, he accesses the Axis of the World. Subsequently, the shaman animates the spirit of the drum and establishes a personal relationship with the man-medicine who owns it. Unknown author. For more information about ceremonies you can visit our website or contact us by Whatsaap to learn more at +52 1 55 2673 1945.

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