November 2021 | Buenos aires
Thursday 6/2 8:00 p.m. Informative Online Meeting
We will talk to evacuate all kinds of doubts and expand the information on the dynamics of the ceremony and medicines.
Wednesday 6/22 7 pm. Preparatory Online Meeting
Only for those who confirmed their attendance, we will meet to prepare ourselves and arrive with total clarity at the ceremonies.
saturday 2
9:00 p.m. until sunrise
by Aya
This ancestral Amazonian medicine offered in a ceremonial context allows people to do deep healing work, going to the origin of everything that has made us sick or kept us in illusions. Its benefits are very wide and amazing.
Ceremony of Changa
Visionary connection medicine that is worked individually for 30 min. Its benefits range from the connection with the spiritual world to the healing of depression and attachments, along with a wide spectrum of benefits. An experience of great impact for one's own evolution. The person is guided by chants throughout his deep meditation.
Sunday 3
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Drum Ceremony
Work of spiritual connection, vision and healing with the pure use of the Shamanic Drum, which played non-stop for 60 minutes promotes expanded states of consciousness. This is an ideal ceremony for people who, due to health or beliefs, do not want to use medicinal plants.
Sunday 3
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Concert Music
Medicine and Rapé
Ronin will give a concert of medicine and folk music, sharing the word and stories of power. Together with this, we will carry out a circle of snuff medicine, which consists of applying healing plants sprayed through the nose to achieve deep meditations and purification.

Born in Tucumán, he is a ceremony guide with more than 15 years in the medical field, as well as a professional singer-songwriter and music producer with a great career. He has been prepared as Aya's teacher by various healers, among which the well-known "master of teachers" Mateo Arévalo of the Shipibo-Konibo people stands out.
Traditional doctor and herbalist trained in the Mexican and Andean traditions. He is a doctoral level researcher in the field of humanistic sciences. Academic lecturer on topics of philosophy, sacred plants and entheogenic medicine. He is a guide for Shamanic Drum ceremonies, Xanga and Wachuma ceremonies, among others.

Fragments of music from our ceremonies
Video presentation about the ceremonies
The ceremonies will be held in the courtyard of an open-air house in a quiet neighborhood of the City of Buenos Aires.
The address will be provided to those who confirm their participation.
All medicines are % 100 safe and organic
It is important to reserve in time to follow a diet
Spiritual Molecule
Price per person $10,000
Promo 2 people for $8,000 each
Full Retirement Promotion
Price per person $30,000
Promo 2 people for $24,000 each
Price per person $5,000
Promo 2 people for $ 4,000 each
You must reserve the place in advance with 50%. Consult account number for payment.
Concert with monkfish
Price per person $5,000
Promo 2 people for $4-000 each
The private Xanga is for people looking for intimate work and de energy diurna
private xanga
Price per person $12,000
energy cleaning
Price per person $8,000
Cleanings are done with feathers and tobacco and are ideal for people with low energy and blockages.
SATURDAY, JULY 2 | from 9:00 p.m. until sunrise
It is a drink used by the Amazonian indigenous peoples that allows access to expanded states of consciousness in which internal introspections, diverse emotions and catharsis processes occur, to which the Amazonian traditions recognize a potentially healing value. Aya's experience facilitates awareness of what is happening in our lives and the world, not being aware of it we refuse to see it. Taking the medicine is done at night and is worked in the dark, a context in which people will be guided by the masters of ceremony through songs and medicine music. The effect of the Aya is about 6 to 8 hours, after which you rest for breakfast and share experiences on Sunday.
Aya can be an effective therapy in the field of psychiatry and psychology in the treatment of depression and anxiety, as well as for a diverse spectrum of physical and energetic illnesses. Through purging it allows us to eliminate toxins and harmful energies, while its loving treatment allows us a process of self-knowledge capable of changing a person and giving them a renewed life. It helps problems related to lack of motivation, mood fluctuations, lack of mental dynamism, as well as problems related to blood and energy toxicity.

CEREMONY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11 | from 17 hs. at 10 p.m.
This ceremony aims to promote a transcendent spiritual connection and comprehensive healing through master plants capable of guiding the person into the depths of their being. It is an experience capable of changing life, with a loving spirit that leads to an awakening of consciousness. In each ceremony, energetic cleanses are performed with mapacho tobacco (Peruvian), pure copal (Mexican) along with other healing elements, and live medicine music is also used (songs, drums, etc.). Among the ancestral medicines we work with Rapé (very beneficial for respiratory problems, migraines and decalcification of the pineal gland) and Xanga, more information is detailed below. Everything is done in a ritual context of respect, knowledge and love, where the medicine servant works individually with each person.
Xanga is a mixture that combines the organic molecule of DMT (also called "The Molecule Of God") with medicinal plants. Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a visionary substance, the most powerful entheogen known to date. It does not cause dependency or addiction, on the contrary, it removes drug addictions and promotes spiritual liberation. Its dynamics are very pleasant, it does not generate nausea or discomfort. With Xanga, people have access to their own physical and mental processes through highly symbolic images, similar to dreams. You can solve difficult personal problems and feel better. It encompasses near-death experiences or experiences of spiritual content, a "complete and radical" separation between consciousness and body can be experienced; you can have death and resurrection experiences and mystical experiences. Mind and body are quieted, contact is often made with the ineffable. All of this generally works to clear the mind, align the psyche, and fulfill the spirit. One of the benefits of a session with this medicine is that people are then able to move on with their lives with more perspective and many times more motivation. DMT is a very powerful catalyst for change, the Xanga in addition to being a stress reliever, can open the mind and allows a special and novel experience. For more information it is recommended to see the documentary "DMT: The spiritual molecule", available on YouTube.
The DMT molecule is without a doubt the most sacred substance that exists on earth. The effect of introspection, understanding and raising of consciousness of the medicine lasts for several days after its ingestion, although well, it does not generate a hangover after its consumption and activities can be continued normally. Here is a list of the medicine's proven benefits:
• Liberator of conscious or unconscious loads.
• Eliminate stress through great physical and mental relaxation.
• Helps to cure psychosomatic illnesses.
• It can attack physical ailments, from the astral plane.
• Helps to understand the meaning of meditation and go to the depths of being.
• Allows you to face fears, anger, jealousy, envy, etc.
• Deep release of traumatic emotional charges.
• The pineal gland is activated and detoxified.
• It reconnects you with your soul and integrates it into your body.
• Put aside fears and negative programming.
• You give freedom and peace to your mind promoting healing from depression and anguish.
• You open your heart deeply.
• Feeling of being born again.
• Luminous reset of mind, spirit and body.
• Discover the purpose of your life.
• Improve relationships.
• Activation of the third eye.
• Increased positive self-esteem.
• Relief from physical and mental pain.
• Encounter real and true answers from the bottom of your being.
• Communication with other spiritual entities.
• Provides clarity of mind and ideas for many months after use.
• Gives confidence and willpower.
• You discover God within yourself.
• Healing of jobs and damages related to Santeria.
• Promoter of the liberation of addictions to drugs and harmful substances.
It begins with a general explanation of medicine and dynamics. Snuff is then served to quiet the mind, activate the pineal gland, relax the nervous system, cleanse the respiratory system, and more. After that, one or two people are served the Xanga medicine. In the middle of the process, the guide performs songs and prayers to enhance the end of healing. After everyone has passed, those who require a second take of the medicine, it is done without problems. Each shot lasts about 30 min. The ceremony in its entirety can be around 4 or 5 hours.
• Refrain if your purpose is simply to experiment. Conscious and respectful use is key to healing and connecting.
• Prepare yourself to live a transcendental experience that provides you with tools to improve your life.
• Devote reflection to elaborating the purpose of healing and connection that I would like to work with in medicine.
• Do not consume food 5 hours before. During the day eat in a healthy way avoiding animal derived foods.
• Refrain from its use if you consume antidepressants or psychiatric medications.
• Do not use drugs and alcohol for at least 3 days before.
• Whoever likes can wear amulets and / or their symbols of power.
• The medicine is smoked, so this may present some minor difficulty to people who have never smoked.
• The medicine does not pose any health risk.

SUNDAY, JULY 3 | from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The drum is the main tool of most of the shamanic cultures of the world to generate connection with the spiritual world and to promote healing processes. This practice guides people into deep meditation through the use of a shamanic drum beaten steadily to a rhythm that induces thetha waves in the brain, which can bring about deep connections and insights of a spiritual nature. The power of the drum is such that many even testify experiences similar to working with master plants. This practice will be guided by a team of traditional doctors and will be linked with a collective closing integration. The specific meditation with a live drum is 60 minutes, the remaining time being for orientation and subsequent integration of experiences. In this experience we will be able to connect with mystical experiences, identify problems of the physical body, feel the movements of subtle energy and much more.
The drum has great power to help us heal physical, emotional and mental issues, capture spiritual visions, experience healing and feel energy at unsuspected levels. It is a great help for those who have never been able to meditate and a powerful tool for those who want to go even deeper into themselves. Among the testimonies that have been collected, there are specific physical healings, mystical experiences, connection with the divine and much more.

SUNDAY, JULY 3 | from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
This musical ceremony will take place next to the fire, locating ourselves around it to take advantage of its protective and purifying function that it fosters. Ronin Koshi will guide us with his virtuoso guitar and medicinal songs towards spiritual introspection. In parallel, Inti Miski will be serving different types of monkfish, which is a medicine that is blown through the nose for both healing and spiritual connection purposes.
Cleanses our perception, gives clarity of thought, connects us with the present, generates a great sense of calm and security, opens our energy channels, helps release parasites and bacteria from our body, cleanses and opens the auric field, very efficient for headaches, migraines and migraines, decompresses brain tension, among many other benefits.

More information and inscriptions:
+52 55 2948 8608